Category Archives: Uncategorized

who even knew this thing was still around?


Well my good friend Mark likes to give me a hard time about this blog — probably mostly because it hadn’t been updated in about 2 years. However, I just figured out how to import my old Ambassador blog to this one (because let’s be honest, I wrote some pretty good stuff on there), and I’m feeling reinspired to put some effort into this thing. Life is real different than it was a year ago; God’s teaching me an INSANE about of stuff; things are not always easy, but gosssshhhhhh they are good.

This weekend my goal is to update the look of this thing and get back into the groove.

Hello blogworld. I have returned.

easing back in…


4 months.

Clearly that is far too long.
In my defense —
1. June & July were entirely consumed with leading Barnabas.
(for a recap of our summers, check out our team blogs: Stacie with Team Empire, and Sarah with Team Colonial.)
A summer on Barnabas is never disappointing — not always easy, but God works miracles.
2. In August I spent 2 weeks in Haiti, and then 2 weeks on vacation (recovering from 11 straight weeks of working literally round the clock.)
Expect an official ‘Haiti post’ soon.
3. Since then, Stacie has moved to Maryland and started working as a teacher, I was made point person on a fundraising event that consumed every working moment, I’ve traveled to Ohio and PA, and went to the STORY conference in Chicago.
So so much to update you on. It’s coming promise.



I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.

SO much has been happening, God’s been doing great things, and we’ve gotten to connect with great churches and people.
Alas, a lack of internet keeps me from sharing these things with you.
Look for an update tonight or tomorrow.
PS – Yesterday a kid asked me if I get shot at often. He was serious. This made me laugh.

kalahari twenty.ten

We are going to Kalahari this weekend. For you non-Buckeyes out there, Kalahari is an indoor water park in Ohio, and the site of a massive winter retreat. We get to help our friend Brad Deetscreek (youth pastor at Grace Church, Bath campus) with follow up with students who make decisions. We’re pumped about that.
We’re also excited to be hanging out with Operation Barnabas alumni, Operation Barnabas 2010 students, and so many of our friends who are youth staff and youth pastors at these churches.

We’re expecting God to do great things, to work in hearts of students and adults alike, and to leave us in awe of him.

sitting under the dreaming tree…


Today I got to dream. About my future. About where God might take me. About how he could use the gifts he’s given me.

The best part?
My boss initiated it.
We talked about what I’ve been learning over this last year, how I’ve grown and changed, and what God’s been doing in my life.
And then he started thinking outside the box. Bold vision. Big opportunities. Grand ideas. Dreams.
I don’t know what God’s going to do. I don’t know where he’ll take me. I don’t plan to leave CE anytime soon, nor was my boss suggesting that. But I was so encouraged today, because he really wants me to pursue whatever it is God has for my life. And he wants to help me dream.
Lesson of the day:
I have a really great boss.

30 day adventure done… on to california!


Stacie and I got home Sunday afternoon. Final stats:

30 days.
6042 miles.
16 states.
18 host homes.
God was so good and faithful to us. We got to meet with so many pastors, youth staff, and young people, and hear about what God is doing in churches all over the country. There were a number of times that I believe we were more refreshed and encouraged than the people we were meeting with. And he kept us safe through so many miles and so many states, which is something we have learned not to take for granted.
And now we’re going to California, to live in the summer sun (I bet Kristin Artrip picked up on that song reference…) We’ll be at the Northern California winter retreat for the weekend with Matt Wheeland and Ed. Walking out the door now.. update soon!